Tooth filling. Doctor
appointment. Credit card bill. Church discipline. For many Christians, the
subject of church discipline would fit in the list of undesirable subjects to
approach. Even the term itself often brings up negative thoughts and
memories. Rather than deal with
the challenges associated with church discipline, many churches chose not practice
it, or at least practice it consistently. Church discipline does not sound
loving or even like something the Christ would approve of. In reality, church discipline,
if done biblically, is loving and is what Jesus has called the church to do.
Rather than ignore it, Christians need to learn what church discipline is, the
purpose of it, what the Bible says about it, and how it is to be carried out.
Doing so will bring great benefit both to the church, and to those who could
face it or who are in the process of this discipline. At some point, all
churches will be faced with individuals who are engaged in open sin. What the
church does and how it responds will reflect how faithfully it has determined
to remain to Jesus and Scripture. There is a good reason why the Belgic
Confession says that church discipline is the third mark of a true church.[1]
When the topic of church
discipline emerges, a number of objections to practicing it are frequently
given. These objections include: People will just go to another church if
church discipline is taken against them, people will see the church as overly
judgmental, church discipline is too difficult to implement in larger churches,
and church discipline fails to reflect the love and grace of Jesus.[2]
These objections seem logical, so how should church leadership challenge and
correct these ideas? First, church membership as a covenant and with
requirements needs to be communicated to church members. Chuck Colson notes:
should anyone join a church (which, after all, is a voluntary decision) and
then expect to be able to refuse to abide by its authority. For failing to
attend a few meetings, one can be thrown out of the Rotary Club. For failing to
live up to a particular dress code, one can be dismissed from most private
clubs. For failing to perform the required community service, one can be struck
off the roles of the Junior League. Yet when the church imposes discipline-denying
the benefits of membership to those who flout its standards-it is charged with
everything short of fascism. But shouldn’t the church have at least the same
right to set its standards as the Rotary Club? People who don’t like it can and
should go elsewhere.[3]
the Belgic Confession, article 29, which says: “The marks, by which the true Church is known, are
these: if the pure
doctrine of the gospel is preached therein; if she maintains the pure
administration of the sacraments as instituted by Christ; if church discipline
is exercised in punishing of sin: in short, if all things are managed according
to the pure Word of God, all things contrary thereto rejected, and Jesus Christ
acknowledged as the only Head of the Church.”
Alfred Poirier, The Peace Making Pastor
(Grand Rapids: Baker, 2006), 226.
Colson and Ellen Vaughn, Being the Body
(Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 2003), 113.